
Giving you more control over your conversations

By and
Thursday, 11 July 2019

Everyday, people start important conversations on Twitter, from #MeToo and #BlackLivesMatter, to discussions around #NBAFinals or their favorite television shows. These conversations bring people together to debate, learn, and laugh. That said we know that distracting, irrelevant, and offensive replies can derail the discussions that people want to have. We believe people should have some control over the conversations they start. So we’re going to test a new feature that gives people the option to hide replies to their Tweets. 

Starting next week, people in Canada will have the option to hide replies to their Tweets. Anyone around the world will be able to see and engage with hidden replies by tapping the grey icon that will appear. We want to be clear and transparent when someone has made the decision to hide a reply, and will be looking at how this feature gives more control to authors while not compromising the transparency and openness that is central to what makes Twitter so powerful. 

By testing in one country we want to get feedback and better understand how this tool can improve before it’s available globally. 

Here’s what it will look like:

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We’ll be testing this for the next few weeks. So if you can use this or happen to see it on Twitter, let us know what you think!

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