Introducing #Stickers on Twitter

Monday, 27 June 2016

Millions of photo Tweets are sent every day, capturing moments – big and small – that the world is talking about. Today, we’re excited to introduce #Stickers, a fun new way to add creativity to your photos and connect them to the world on Twitter.

Soon, you can browse our rotating sets of stickers to join in on real-time conversations, and select from the library of hundreds of accessories, emoji, and props to make your photos more fun. Use them to share what you’re doing or how you’re feeling, to show support for a cause, or to just add some flair. You can use multiple stickers on a photo, resize and rotate them, and place them anywhere on your picture.


After you Tweet a photo with stickers on it, your photo becomes searchable in a new, visual spin on the hashtag. Tapping on a sticker in a Tweet takes you to a new timeline, where you can see how people all over the world use that sticker in different ways.


The ability to add stickers to your photos will be rolling out over the next few weeks for people using Twitter for iOS and Android. You will also be able to view and click stickers on #Stickers joins the suite of photo editing features on Twitter, including filters, tags, cropping, and accessibility options. Learn more about how to use all our photo features, including #Stickers, in our Help Center.