Almost two years ago the world took to Twitter to rejoice in the birth of Prince George, the first child of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. And over the past few days, Twitter users have once again flocked to @KensingtonRoyal to hear the news break about another #RoyalBaby.
Today it was confirmed that the duke and duchess have named their daughter Charlotte Elizabeth Diana:
This embeddable heat map shows the global conversation on Twitter following the announcement:
After weeks of waiting and speculation, including Twitter votes as to whether the new baby would be a boy or a girl, @KensingtonRoyal Tweeted at 6:39 a.m. Saturday morning that Her Royal Highness had gone into St Mary’s Hospital, London:
That Tweet was followed a few hours later by another confirming the safe arrival of a new princess:
There were more than one million Tweets reacting to Saturday’s announcement:
A series of updates followed, announcing the new baby’s weight and other details:
Later in the day, @KensingtonRoyal published a picture of The Duke of Cambridge carrying Prince George into the Lindo Wing to meet his new sister:
Before long, the first picture appeared of the new addition emerging from the hospital:
Celebrities and others continue to chime in with supportive Tweets:
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