Today we’re introducing Highlights: a simple summary of the best Tweets for you, delivered via rich push notification.
We want to help you get the most out of Twitter, no matter how much time you spend with it. While your home timeline is a great place to browse through and engage with Tweets, we know it can be challenging to find the time to get through everything.
Introducing Highlights. Get the best of Twitter every day, sent to your Android device:
— Twitter ( @twitter) April 23, 2015
Highlights, a fast and simple summary of Twitter, lets you catch up quickly on the best stuff that is most relevant to you. To create your Highlights, we look at things like the accounts and conversations that are popular among people you follow, Tweets from people you’re closely tied to, topics and events that are trending in your area or within your network, and people that are popular or trending among people you follow.
When you opt in to receiving Highlights, you will get a notification on your phone up to twice daily letting you know your Highlights are ready. When you open the notification, you’ll go directly into the Twitter app where your Highlights will be displayed in a new interface. View them all by swiping through from right to left. When you’ve reached the last Highlight, another swipe puts you directly into your home timeline.
Initially, Highlights will be available in English to all Android users. Turn it on now by going to Settings. Select your account handle; and in the mobile notifications menu, check the Highlights box. We’re refining the experience on Android first and will consider bringing Highlights to other platforms in the future.
With this latest improvement, we’re delivering the best of Twitter to you, so it’s easier to catch up with your world.
UPDATED (Sept. 16, 2015): We’re rolling out Highlights globally in all 35+ languages that Twitter supports. Most users on an updated Android device will now receive Highlights notifications when Highlights are ready. More details about Highlights here.
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