As millions of people usher in 2016 across many time zones, they will turn to Twitter to share their wishes, resolutions, and celebrations with a bang. This year, we are spreading the festivities to the iconic Times Square New Year’s Eve ball drop and beyond (more to come below). Designed just for the occasion is this fireworks emoji:
This special celebration emoji will be unlocked when people include the hashtag #HappyNewYear in English – or one of over 35 other languages – at the end of their Tweet. Whether is it #felizanonovo, #नववर्षकीशुभकामनाएँ, #BonneAnnée or #frohesneuesJahr, we can unite using this icon to enjoy festivities as they unfold across the globe, and on Twitter.
Here are all of the hashtags that will activate the Twitter fireworks emoji:
To enliven the global New Year’s celebration happening on Twitter to parties on the ground, we have partnered with the Times Square Alliance (@timessquarenyc) and Countdown Entertainment, the co-organizers of Times Square New Year’s Eve in New York City, to showcase the global conversation.
For the first time, Tweets and videos will be on display on the large screens directly underneath the famous Times Square Ball (@TimesSquareBall) as well as on other screens in the area for the one million or so revelers filling Times Square.
Further, the celebration will extend beyond those crowded blocks: Times Square New Year’s Eve shares content with broadcasters all over the world, and more than one billion people are expected to watch the historic ball drop on TV. Through this international display, we’ll be ringing in 2016 from Sydney to Honolulu and everywhere in between.
Join the conversation and you may see your Tweet displayed for the world to see, and follow @TimesSquareNYC to catch every moment.
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