Better visibility into shared accounts

Thursday, 22 October 2015

Many of you already use TweetDeck to share accounts with coworkers, teams, or friends. Starting today, you’ll have full visibility into everyone with access to your account in TweetDeck.

A few months ago we launched TweetDeck Teams to provide extra security for your shared accounts. Today, we’re beginning to add everyone who has access to your shared account from TweetDeck to your list of team members so you can better manage access to your shared accounts.

You’ll soon see all users with access to your account from TweetDeck listed as team members, whether they were given shared account access from the TweetDeck Teams feature or if they previously entered the username and password in TweetDeck. Any newly visible team members are contributors.

Better visibility into shared accounts

With this update, you may see users listed in your team who you didn’t know still had access. This may be because you previously shared your password and they remained logged in on TweetDeck. As the change rolls out over the next few weeks, you’ll receive an email for each account that is now visible in your team. Make sure you check your list of team members in the Accounts section in TweetDeck to ensure the right people have access to each account. TweetDeck access for individual team members should be managed from the team list in TweetDeck.

Read more about how to manage and revoke account access in TweetDeck.