We’re updating our iOS and Android apps to make it easier to discover what’s happening on Twitter.
New filters in search help you quickly find exactly the Tweets and people you’re looking for. And now you have the option to view all Tweets –– simply toggle between top Tweets and all Tweets at the top of your search results.
Use new search filters to find exactly what you’re looking for.
If you want to see great photos, use the new photo search filter to see Tweets with photos in a grid or list layout. To see what your friends are saying, you can filter the results to only show Tweets from the people you follow. You can even filter for videos, making it feel like you’re a part of the action on Twitter.
We’re also making it easier to find out more about trends and events. A new trending timeline in Discover shows you trends along with associated Tweets. You can also see trending TV shows if you’re in the U.S., and nearby events from anywhere in the world.
We love playing around with these new features, and think you will too. You can download this update soon from Google Play or the App Store.
Updated to clarify availability.
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