New iPhone and Android features for better tweeting

Tuesday, 28 May 2013


We’ve just released updates to our iPhone and Android apps. Tweeting is now even easier and more seamless.

  • Photos: When you add a photo to your Tweet, you’ll see a full preview of your photo, not just the cropped version. We’ve also redesigned the experience to make it easy to share a photo from your camera roll: simply click the photo icon on the bottom right corner of the Tweet box. With fewer steps needed to share photos, you can more easily share what’s going on in your life and quickly return to marveling over that gorgeous sunset.
  • Accounts: When you compose a Tweet, you’ll see your avatar and username, giving you a better sense of how your Tweet will actually appear. If you tweet from multiple accounts, it’s now easier to select the account you want to use by simply tapping on your avatar.
  • Location: You can still add or remove your location from individual Tweets right from the Tweet box. Tagging your location is a handy way to save characters and provide context.

Tweeting is now even easier and more seamless.

And a couple more updates
One of the most requested features we’ve heard about from Android users is richer notifications. With this update, you will now see more details about your interactions on Twitter right in the Notifications Drawer. Just swipe the notification to expand and see more details.

New iPhone and Android features for better tweeting

Finally, you may notice that we’ve removed the borders around timelines on Twitter for iPhone, just as we’d already done on Android, so your Tweets now fill the screen.

You can download this update from the App Store or Google Play.

Posted by Misha Lushin (@mishal)
Senior Software Engineer