We’re excited to introduce I Wish I Knew, a new podcast that brings you directly into the world of @TwitterResearch.
Each episode in Season 1 will be co-hosted by a different pair of researchers who will share their journeys into the field, discuss how the team is elevating conversations across the company through insights, explore why research matters, and celebrate the people and culture surrounding the work.
Listen and subscribe on your favorite podcast platform now: Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, TuneIn, and Stitcher.
We’re also hosting a Space from @TwitterResearch this Friday, May 7th at 12:30p PT / 3:30p ET to celebrate premiere week. We hope you’ll join to hear more about the season and discuss all of the things you wish you knew about the Research team at Twitter.
I Wish I Knew launches with its first episode, I Wish I Knew… How Research at Twitter Works, hosted by @BrittneyHMills, head of Revenue Diversity Research, and @ReggieMurphy, head of Creation and Conversations Research.
Throughout Episode 1, Brittney and Reggie discuss their not-so-traditional career journeys into research, how the Experience Research team at Twitter operates, and how the team delivers and measures impact within the product development process. Plus, they share advice about must-have skills for aspiring researchers.
Want to have your questions answered in a future episode of I Wish I Knew? Tweet us @TwitterResearch.
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