Raising awareness and funds for flood relief in Myanmar

Monday, 26 October 2015

From June to September this year, severe floods — the worst in decades — hit Myanmar, which affected over 1 million people and resulting in an estimated 100 deaths. Then the impact was made worse by Cyclone Komen, which hit in early August.

World Vision Asia created a Twitter campaign to boost their relief efforts by raising public awareness as well as funds. We supported this campaign through an Ads for Good grant managed by @WVAsia from their office in Thailand. The campaign ran for two weeks in September and included Tweets in English and Thai.

The campaign was heavily targeted to the Thai community, with messages of empathy and support for neighbouring Myanmar, and it saw a lot of support from Philippines and Malaysia too. Altogether, it received 1.58M impressions and 65K engagements.

In speaking about the campaign’s impact, Mark Nonkes of World Vision said, “We were thrilled to get an Ads for Good grant. It helped draw attention to the flooding and reach more than a million people with messages about the ongoing situation and how Twitter activists could help.”

Within Twitter, people across various departments worked together closely to set up the campaign. Liu Meng Lye from the Sales Team says, “It’s incredibly rewarding to be able to use the power of our platform to spread critical information in times of crisis. I am grateful for the opportunity to support the important work of NGOs like World Vision.”

We will continue to grow our capacity to help NGOs and other relief agencies respond effectively in crises. This includes developing strong partnerships with NGOs in each region — and World Vision Asia remains a strategic partner too.