Making conversations easier to follow on the Tweet page

Monday, 8 June 2015

Every day, people come to Twitter to be a part of real-time conversations unfolding about anything and everything that’s happening in the world. Similar to previous work we’ve done with conversations in the home timeline, we’re making some changes to how conversations are shown on the Tweet page so they’re easier to follow.

Conversations surrounding a Tweet, particularly if they’ve sparked lots of replies and disparate conversations, can be hard to follow. So, we’re doing a few things to make this much easier: grouping conversations together and highlighting some of the most interesting exchanges surrounding a given Tweet right below that Tweet. To surface some of the most interesting conversations, we’ll take factors into account like whether the original account has replied.

Now, it’s simple to follow along with anything from a conversation about the latest Periscope app update to a Q&A with Tony Hawk.

Making conversations easier to follow on the Tweet page

On the Tweet page, Tweets that are part of a conversation are connected by a line. If you want to see more of the replies to a specific Tweet within a conversation you can click “View other replies”.

Like with other features, we will continually be iterating and improving on this experience to make it easier to understand and participate in conversations on Twitter as well as to find the best, most relevant content we have to offer.

This feature is beginning to roll out to all logged in and logged out users on today and will be rolling out to our mobile apps in the future.