Today we celebrate World Press Freedom Day. Around the world people will use the hashtag #KeepSpeechFree to share thoughts and reflections. Everything about the day and what it represents resonates with us because the values it promotes are mirrored in the principles that define Twitter. As a platform, Twitter champions freedom of expression, and has committed to always defend and respect our users’ voices.
Defence of press freedom is rooted in the belief that a vibrant marketplace of ideas will surface the truth. Twitter is one such a marketplace of ideas, one in which people talk about their lives, their beliefs and, sometimes, their governments.
Providing and protecting a space where people around the world can share their thoughts and opinions is not without its challenges.
However, we know that those on the front lines – whether journalists or individual citizens – face even greater challenges and sometimes personal danger. We acknowledge their sacrifices today.
Twitter will always align with the values of those who identify with the message of World Press Freedom Day. We celebrate the work of journalists everywhere, and recognise the profound importance of their work. And we strive to ensure that our platform will always be a place where divergent views are heard and accepted, regardless of where they originate.
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