New A&E show promotes premiere on Twitter

Friday, 24 January 2014

Crazy Hearts: Nashville (@CrazyHeartsAE), a reality show about up-and-comers in the music business, premiered with a Twitter strategy that included a social producer on set to round up great content as well as on-screen promotion and a live-tweeting cast.

Live-tweeting differently

The live Tweets during the two-night premiere augmented the show with insider information and additional context in real time as viewers watched. The Tweets, tagged with the hashtag #CrazyHeartsInsider, had a pop-up video feel with behind-the-scenes facts on the cast, music and other enticements.

The show’s social producer collected facts, photos and other assets to tweet from @CrazyHeartsAE. And more than just episode commentary and reactions, Tweets comprised trivia about the musicians, video clips, episode quotes and behind-the-scenes photos.

Promoting live-tweeting

The show promoted its own live-tweeting on screen with a prompt to join the conversation: “For a Crazy Hearts Insider look at the lives of the #CrazyHearts follow along on Twitter @CrazyHeartsAE.”

The show and its cast were also active on Twitter to raise awareness about the premiere and their live Tweets, as was the network. @CrazyHeartsAE tweeted a promo of the show as well as a list of who to follow.

The cast followed suit, notifying followers that they would be live-tweeting.

And after sharing their behind-the-scenes photos during the show, they also shared photos of the premiere party.

Tweeting with the cast

The cast of Crazy Hearts: Nashville also live-tweeted during the two-night premiere, commenting on events during the episode and offering anecdotes.

They also frequently chatted with and mentioned each other, leveraging their fan bases and displaying a sense of camaraderie amongst the cast.

@CrazyHeartsAE is continuing to provide additional content on Twitter throughout its season.

Do you know of other innovative uses of Twitter? Write to [email protected].