Celebrate the month of fasting with #Ramadan and #Eid

Thursday, 26 June 2014

This week, more than 1.5 billion Muslims around the world will observe the ninth month of the Islamic Calendar as Ramadan, the month of fasting. And they will also gather on Twitter to share their celebration.

In fact, based on our research, people sent more than 74.2 million Tweets about Ramadan from around the world last year.

Celebrate Ramadan worldwide
There are many religious and cultural practices to mark the month, and we are pleased to help people celebrate with new #Ramadan and #Eid icons. Use a hashtag (#) immediately in front of the words Ramadan, Ramazan, and رمضان. For Eid, use a hashtag (#) in front of the words Eid or عيد_مبارك. These special icons will appear after those words. Use hashtags to tweet how your neighborhood, city or country is celebrating the month and connect with others across the world who are also observing and celebrating #Ramadan.

Celebrate the month of fasting with #Ramadan and #Eid

And it is truly a global conversation, as you can see with this interactive map (click image below to explore it):

Celebrate the month of fasting with #Ramadan and #Eid

Find out when to break the fast
We partnered with @AlArabiya to help you find out, with a Tweet, what time each day you can break the fast. Starting tomorrow, tweet @AlArabiya with #iftar followed by the name of your city with a # immediately in front (e.g. #Dubai), and the @AlArabiya account will send you the time for #iftar. This also works for #Imsak (or beginning the fast).

Follow your favorite show
In addition to the celebrations that take place throughout the month, there are many great TV shows and series produced especially for Ramadan, and many of these will offer unique content on Twitter.

One of the shows we are looking forward to seeing is @SarayaAbdeen, where @MBC1tweets has created special Twitter accounts for the characters in the show:

Here’s a list of the accounts you can easily follow on Twitter. We’ve also collected a list of other shows and actors from across the Middle East and North Africa that you can tune into on TV and on Twitter.

Ramadan is an important event around the world — full of celebration, friends and families. We look forward to seeing how many of you come together to share these special moments on Twitter.

UPDATE 27 June: Added ‘Ramazan’ and Arabic language capabilities for hashtags.