For three hours on February 25, Twitter was a clubhouse — for the Bad Girls Club.
The @oxygen reality series “Bad Girls All-Star Battle” (@BGConOxygen) hosted a Twitter Q&A with three of those “bad girls” in a hub powered by BumeBox. Natalie Nunn (@MissNatalieNunn), Nancy Denise (@SheIsNancyD) and Sarah Oliver (@SarahSOOliver) each took an hour to answer fan questions in consecutive one hour blocks, beginning at 7 p.m. ET and ending at 10 p.m. ET.
@BGConOxygen and @oxygen tweeted out the Q&A schedule ahead of time and tweeted again when it was about to start. The chat was also promoted by the production company. Then the three stars answered fan questions for an hour each with the hashtag #BGCASB.
Answering questions not just about the show but about their personal lives and backgrounds helped solidify the stars’ connection to their fans — and in turn, the fans’ connection to the show.
Besides the entertainment value, the Q&A was intended to help drive buzz and tune-in for that evening’s 8 p.m. episode. The Q&A had the stars conversing with fans before, during and after the program.
The show plugged the last of the Q&A sessions in this on-air promo:
Do you know of other innovative uses of Twitter? Write to [email protected].
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