Trends in 160+ locations

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Today, we’re introducing Trends in more than 160 new locations. Included in that list are a number of countries that will be getting Trends for the first time: Belgium, Greece, Kenya, Norway, Poland, Portugal, and Ukraine, plus more than 130 new cities in countries that already have Trends.

Trends are an easy way to find out what people are talking about right now –– around the world, in your country, or in your city. By checking out Trends, you can easily find breaking news and current hot topics that are most relevant to you. To find these new locations, click “Change” in the Trends sidebar on, and select the city or country you’re most interested in.

To make Trends more convenient and relevant for people around the world, we’re constantly working to bring Trends to more locations –– be on the lookout for even more in the future. In the meantime, don’t hesitate to check out our support article on Trends for more information.

Posted by Royce Cheng-Yue (@rchengyue)
Software Engineer