Start a conversation with a single Tweet

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Often, engagement on Twitter begins with a simple call to action. That’s what Sports Illustrated reporter Richard Deitsch (@richarddeitsch) did with one Tweet. 

At the end of a long day, he tweeted this:

To which @Sports_Casters replied with this image of three men. One of whom had just won the NCAA hockey championship at Yale; the other had just spent more than six weeks in the hospital:

With a single Tweet, Deitsch inspired followers to share intimate, treasured moments in pictures.

 Those two Tweets started a flurry of posts with images from about 200 of Dietsch’s followers, showcasing the most moving aspect of their Twitter conversation, and the sharing of intimate and treasured moments. A selection of a few of these:

The images captured the imagination of news organizations such as Mail OnlineCNN, USA Today, and Good Morning America. The story also saw Richard Deitsch gain followers, and mentions on Twitter.

Have you seen any innovative uses of Twitter? Mail us at [email protected]