As smooth as he is on the tennis court, @rogerfederer may be even smoother on Twitter.
The tennis superstar held a Twitter Q&A back on October 8 and enjoyed it so much that he did another one on October 29. For this one, he asked the questions, and his fans answered.
I enjoyed #AskRF last time. But lets mix it up and reverse the Q&A. I’d like to ask YOU guys some questions and RT the best answers #AskedRF
— Roger Federer ( @rogerfederer) October 29, 2013
Beginning with that impromptu Tweet, Federer exclusively used the hashtag #AskedRF, a subtle and clever variation of the #AskRF hashtag employed for the previous Q&A. He used Twitter as a platform to interact with fans, and his quirkily humorous questions sparked a surge of responses. Federer retweeted their answers liberally. Here’s how #AskedRF dialogue drove increased mentions of @rogerfederer.
Federer opened up the hour-long Q&A by asking fans what tennis rule they want changed.
If you could change one rule in Tennis, what would it be? #AskedRF
— Roger Federer ( @rogerfederer) October 29, 2013
He encouraged fans to tweet him images of the coolest tennis photos out there.
What’s the most awesome photograph of a tennis match? #AskedRF
— Roger Federer ( @rogerfederer) October 29, 2013
One of Federer’s most engaging Tweets was an answer to his own question. After asking fans which athlete they would like to see him play in a different sport, he suggested facing LeBron James (@KingJames).
For example, it’d be fun to play ping pong with @KingJames #AskedRF
— Roger Federer ( @rogerfederer) October 29, 2013
Federer’s most retweeted and favorited Tweet came at the end of the Q&A with an open-ended question that inspired some creative and funny suggestions from his fans. One of the best responses he retweeted was among the simplest:
@rogerfederer make a second round of #AskedRF
— Andrea Salazar ( @AndreaSalazar5) October 29, 2013
The #AskedRF session demonstrates the versatility of the Q&A format. Federer didn’t need a moderator or other accounts to promote it, and he didn’t even hold a traditional Q&A. All he needed was a unique hashtag and entertaining questions.
Do you know of other innovative uses of Twitter? Write to [email protected].
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