The beginning of a new term in Washington marks changes in many of the government’s highest offices. Yesterday was noteworthy at the US Department of State, as outgoing Secretary of State Hillary Clinton held her last Town Hall, and Senator John Kerry was confirmed as the new Secretary. Of course, both occasions played out on Twitter. Secretary Clinton solicited questions via #AskState (@StateDept dubbed it #GlobalTownHall):
@ statedept Can you tell me why the USA didn’t engage with the democratically elected Hamas Government in Gaza? #AskState
— Nigel Walker ( @ManxNige) January 28, 2013
#SecClinton: We’ve made it clear that if Hamas renounces violence and becomes a political group, there is a place for them at the table.
— StateDept ( @StateDept) January 29, 2013
#AskState Which former Secretary of State does Hillary Clinton most admire and why?
— Oliver Brown ( @OliverSB022) January 28, 2013
#GlobalTownHall Question: “Which Secretary do you admire most?” #SecClinton: “I admire Secretary Seward (Lincoln’s #SecState).”
— StateDept ( @StateDept) January 29, 2013
Meanwhile, on Capitol Hill, @JohnKerry was unanimously approved by the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee and 94-3 by the full Senate to become the next Secretary of State. Many of his current & future colleagues tweeted the process as well as their congratulations once his confirmation became official:
As Foreign Relations Committee member I was pleased to join a unanimous, bipartisan vote to send @ johnkerry’s nomination to the floor
— Senator Tim Kaine ( @timkaine) January 29, 2013
Senate’s confirmation vote is well earned. John #Kerry is a leader of extraordinary intellect, wisdom and insight. #SecretaryofState.
— Sen. Patrick Leahy ( @SenatorLeahy) January 29, 2013
Supported my colleague @ johnkerry for Secretary of State. Wish him all the best as he takes on this new role. #idpol
— Senator Mike Crapo ( @MikeCrapo) January 29, 2013
Second vote of the day to confirm John Kerry for #SecState. #twiceasnice
— Chris Murphy ( @ChrisMurphyCT) January 29, 2013
Congrats @ johnkerry on his confirmation. I look forward to working together to strengthen our ntl security & promote American values abroad.
— Mark Kirk ( @SenatorKirk) January 29, 2013
Congratulations to @ johnkerry on his confirmation as SecState. Looking forward to working closely with him on the national security team.
— Susan Rice ( @AmbassadorRice) January 29, 2013
Posted by Bridget Coyne (@bcoyne)
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