Dior Homme shows the power of a hashtag as Robert Pattinson ad takes off

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

We wrote recently about how brands using hashtags effectively can reap the benefits on Twitter and we published a step-by-step guide to help in this.

Dior Homme shows this to great effect with the online launch of its new advertising campaign starring ‘Twilight’ actor Robert Pattinson. It illustrates perfectly how a luxury brand can successfully use a hashtag to help steer online conversation and best brand their content for optimal results.

Dior Homme backed the launch of the ad, where Pattinson and model @CamilleRowe, crash a posh party, with Promoted Tweets, which helped to kick-start the conversation and add to the growing anticipation that has surrounded the launch of the ad.

With its pumping ‘Whole Lotta Love’ Led Zeppelin sound track, the fashion brand has already racked up in excess of 4.4 million views of the black and white commercial, shot by director @Romain_Gavras, which was unveiled along with the hashtag #DiorRob on Monday.

The #DiorRob hashtag, which features throughout the online ad, has received more than 82,000 mentions globally in the last thirty days with conversation spiking across the last three days with almost 32,000 mentions.

The continual presence of the hashtag during the ad ties in with Dior’s social strategy of encouraging fans to share not only the YouTube video, but also individual moments of the film. Consumers simply go to the Dior.com website where live-tweeting is enabled to allow visitors to share their favourite moments.
