As more and more musicians, actors and athletes — everyone from Kobe Bryant to Megan Fox — join Twitter, fans can engage and chat directly with their favorite stars. Today, for instance, @Cosmopolitan Magazine is offering you the chance to have February cover girl and “Safe Haven” star Julianne Hough (@JulianneHough) answer your questions.
You can tweet questions to @Cosmopolitan using #SafeHavenChat, and then tune into Twitter at 8 p.m. EST tonight, January 8th. Whether you want to ask about her new thriller or her intimate interview in Cosmo’s latest issue, just follow along with @Cosmopolitan and @JulianneHough.
Questions for @ juliannehough? Tweet them @ cosmopolitan #SafeHavenChat. She’ll answer tmrw! Cc: @ safehavenmovie…
— Cosmopolitan ( @Cosmopolitan) January 7, 2013
Posted by Alexandra Valasek (@AlzValz)
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