New #Twitterbird: What your business needs to know

Sunday, 10 June 2012

Starting today, you’ll notice we’ve updated the design of Twitter’s little blue bird. From now on, this new bird will be the universally recognizable symbol of Twitter. There’s no longer a need for text, bubbled typefaces, or a lowercase “t” to represent Twitter.

New #Twitterbird: What your business needs to know

What does this change mean for your brand?
  • If you’re an advertiser using any one of our official buttons, these will automatically update today. There’s no action required on your part.
  • If you’re currently using any other Twitter “t”, bird, or other similar marks on your website and marketing materials, you’ll want to update those icons with the new correct assets. We’ve revamped our Twitter brand resources page to provide advertisers and partners everything you need to help you promote your presence on Twitter, including updated brand guidelines and new logo downloads. Please pass this information to any internal team that works with Twitter marks regularly.
  • Have questions about using the new mark? Our trademark team is always available to review mock-ups and provide guidance: email [email protected].

Inspired by a brand focus on simplicity, the new #Twitterbird also reflects our goal to transcend borders and reach every person on the planet with our service. Likewise, one powerful way to extend the reach of your brand is to integrate Twitter assets (including our buttons, your username handle and relevant #hashtags) across your marketing channels. Use our brand update as an opportunity to reassess how you’re promoting your Twitter presence to grow your followers and increase engagement.

To learn more about extending the reach of your brand to Twitter’s 140 million users, check out these case studies: