Unleash The Innovation - It's Another TweetDeck Hack Day!

Thursday, 12 May 2011

Our TweetDeck Hack Days are opportunities for our dedicated band of designers, developers and magic-makers to take a break from their usual tasks and get their teeth into whatever cool, clever and captivating project they can dream up. Whether its a clever new tweak to one of our existing products, or something new and different that we’ve never seen before, all ideas are welcome. The innovation shown at these days is always very exciting and, on a personal level, as a “non-hacker”, I am always totally amazed by the quality and diversity of the projects that the team can come up with in just one day. The resulting creations are often hugely valuable as proofs of concepts that eventually find their way into our live products.

So, without further ado, here are the concepts that were presented by the TweetDeck team after yesterday’s Hack Day. Vote for your favourite in the poll at the bottom and we’ll use the results to see which of these great ideas might make it into production.

If you have any (sensible) ideas for future hacks, let us know in the comments. If we like the idea and it ends up being implemented, we’ll give you a shout-out right here :)


Quick Send Tweet

By Rob / @evilrob666

Ideal for offline occasions, this hack allows you to quickly email tweets to yourself for later browsing.


Gmail Notifications In Inbox

By Sol / @lostplan

See notifications of unread Gmail emails directly in your Inbox column. Click through to the full message on the web. This has often been requested, but thanks to @TimtheT for the most recent prompting :)


Deckly Expansion on Twitter.com

By Tom / @tomwoolway

A Chrome extension that auto-expands Deck.ly posts in the detail pane on Twitter.com


Unicode Art

By James / @jmwhittaker

Insert unicode smily faces, arrows, horse heads (!) and even upside-down text thanks to this compose-box hack for ChromeDeck. Also, bonus point for spotting an upcoming new feature…


Native ChromeDeck

By Lee / @joolz

It’s the Chrome TweetDeck codebase, but implemented as a true native app (not just a wrapped-up web page) for Mac, Windows & Linux. It even has Growl notifications!



By Lukasz / @vishna

Don’t stop tweeting, just because you’re walking. With this Android hack you can see where you’re going thanks to the live camera-view background on the compose screen. Thanks to some accelerometer trickery, the camera view fades in as you start to walk and fades out when you stop, so you don’t even need to enable/disable it!



Tell us what you think!