Thu, 08/11/2011 - 02:33

Thursday, 11 August 2011

Weather is part of everyone’s daily life. Not surprisingly, people on Twitter are talking about the weather every minute of every day. In fact, on average, people send some 200 Tweets per minute about the weather. When the weather is particularly noteworthy, that number jumps to 300-500 weather-related Tweets per minute.

Starting today, the Weather Channel and Twitter are teaming up to make it even easier to find local weather information and take advantage of real-time Tweets about weather happening near you. The Weather Channel has created local weather accounts for more than 200 U.S. cities that will Tweet regular local forecast updates. Follow your local weather account and send those Tweets directly to your phone for regularly updated weather reports.

There are also plenty of other great weather-related Twitter accounts providing news, color and commentary around weather events, from the everyday to the extreme, including:

  • @ReedTimmerTVN is a tornado chaser from Discovery Network’s Storm Chasers program, tweeting his storm-chasing successes and failures.
  • @AlRoker, the weather and feature anchor on NBC News’ TODAY show, tweets humorous weather news and anecdotes from across the US.
  • @USATodayWeather USA Today was the first national newspaper to publish a weather map; now, it tweets relevant forecast information all day long.
  • @I80Chains, an account for Northern California’s Interstate 80, reports when snow chains are necessary to travel over mountain passes due to inclement weather.
  • @KarlTheFog tweets humorous updates to San Franciscans based on current fog status.
  • @JackatNWS, the National Weather Service administrator, tweets about major national US weather events.
  • @usnoaagov tweets interesting facts and stories from the U.S. government’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which monitors the condition of the oceans and the atmosphere.
  • @wunderground tweets and retweets major local weather events from around the world.
  • #wxreport: people in the U.S. can include this hashtag in their Tweets to report local weather conditions to the National Weather Service.