What Will You Be Tweeting On World Aids Day in 2015?

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

This year, nearly half a million children will be born with HIV.

By 2015, that number could be zero. Imagine it — the first generation of children in 30 years to be born without HIV.

When this disease first began ravaging societies around the world, the Internet as we know it was a mere infant, cellphones cost $4,000 and the idea of an open, global exchange of information with the tap of a few keys was just a dream.

Now, a Tweet can reach millions of people in seconds.

Today is World AIDS Day, and our friends at (RED) are encouraging you to tweet using the hashtag #turnred. It’s one small step towards making the dream of an AIDS-free generation in 2015 a reality.

It will take all of us to keep this issue on the forefront of the fight against AIDS to ensure the funding and focus needed to reach this goal continues. Use your Tweet today to start practicing.

When you use #turnred today, your tweet of support will help turn a map of the world red.


Each time someone tweets using #turnred on World Aids Day, the message maps itself onto a data visualizer of the world developed by Ushahidi and (RED). Each action will help turn a different time zone red on the map.

What Will You Be Tweeting On World Aids Day in 2015?

On Jan 1, 2015 we hope to share the news that no child was born that day with HIV. Real hope, in our world.

Want to learn more about (RED)? Follow @joinred to stay informed and to go to www.joinred.com to see the map that your tweets are turning (RED) and learn more.