The Power of Git: Revealed!

Friday, 23 July 2010

As we burn down the home stretch toward the release of TweetDeck for Android, our development team is operating at maximum capacity. Recently Max gave a talk at Betaworks about how we keep such a well-oiled machine moving.

In addition to being our lead mobile developer and all-round splendid chap, Max also has deep roots in the open-source community, and helped bring some of his collaboration techniques to TweetDeck.

WARNING: The rest of this article comes under the category “Hardcore Geek” :-)

Since Max’s arrival we’ve switched source code repositories from Mercurial to Git and Github. Max’s highly popular open-source project Homebrew was built entirely on Git/Github and we wanted to leverage some of that mojo for our development process. 

Check out Max’s six-part talk below to learn all about how Git’s distributed nature, and Github’s amazing collaboration tools, helped him succeed with Homebrew and helped us take our development to the next level at TweetDeck. 

Max Howell - Git/Github Talk

Links to individual videos:

Part 1  |  Part 2  |  Part 3  |  Part 4  |  Part 5  |  Part 6