Thanks to some great work by our team of volunteer translators, we have made great progress in translating TweetDeck into other languages. Our first round of translation covered seven languages but we would love to add more.
So, we are now looking for more assistance to translate into the next round of languages, which are:
If you’d like to get involved, we ask that you be fluent in written and spoken English as well as your selected translation language.
As before, We’ve got very high standards for TweetDeck so we’re afraid that being able to say ‘Two beers please…’ in Spanish or having an aunt Susie who once studied Korean for 2 weeks at school won’t qualify you for this project.
We can’t offer you payment, but we can promise you our eternal gratitude, some TweetDeck freebies and credit for the completed translations on our site. We’re also happy to provide you with a letter to acknowledge your volunteer work on this project, so you can add this experience to your C.V.
Please apply by sending an email to: [email protected] and include the following in the subject line: Localisation Application: Your Language
“Localisation Application: Korean”
“Localisation Application: Thai”
N.B. Any applications that do not follow this format will be discarded.
Thanks in advance and Felice traduzione!
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