Trends: Feel the Boo hoo?

Friday, 26 September 2008

Here’s a quick look at today’s trending topics.

  • WaMu is today’s top trend as folks with accounts share their anxiety, twitter about the takeover, and wonder what’s next.
  • ACL is picking up as people gear up for the Austin City Limits music festival (and watch workers swap the WaMu sign for Chase.)
  • Miss Teen USA trends as people pass around a link to the YouTube video mashup of a teen pageant with Palin voiceover.
  • USC has folks a-twitter as football fans lament or celebrate Oregon State University’s triumph over USC.
  • #churchtechcamp has made it to the trend board as folks in Los Angeles gather to explore the intersection of faith and tech.

For trending topics and opinions specifically related to the US presidential election, visit Twitter Election 2008.