We’ve never had the opportunity to properly welcome Evan Weaver to the Twitter team. Evan joined Twitter in May coming from CNET Networks and before that, SAP. Although he worked remotely from Delaware at first, Evan very quickly became a leader on our infrastructure and performance initiatives. Thanks to his contributions, technical vision, systems experience, and pragmatic optimization strategies Twitter’s Engineering and Operations team has made significant progress moving away from early scaling problems.
Evan represents the unique brand of talent we hope to continue to attract at Twitter. None of the founders of Twitter have college degrees but Evan’s Master’s degree and combined study of philosophy, computer science, jazz, piano, poetry, and bioinformatics more than makes up for that fact. Plus, his strangely offbeat sense of humor regularly cracks everyone up. Please join us in belatedly welcoming Evan and thanking him for his enormous contributions to Twitter’s recent and continued success.
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