Twitter Hotness

Wednesday, 17 January 2007

We sent out an email earlier today with some twitter news. It had a “hot” theme because it’s been so freaky cold in SF. Anywhoo, here are some of the links and info the email had in case you didn’t get it.

It’s Showtime! Actor Janina Gavankar who heats up the screen on Showtime’s The L Word is twittering now and you should follow Janina on Twitter because it’s fun—especially if you’re a fan. Janina is also Ms Dewey.

Twitterrific is the hotness. The Icon Factory built a snappy little mac app that lets you read and post Twitter updates. It’s clean, concise, and designed to leave a small footprint on your precious screen real estate. We are in love with Twitterrific and you can download it for free.

Sundancing with Twitter. Yes, Twitter will be at Sundance—in spirit anyway. That was the idea Filmaker Lance Weiler had. Instead of lamenting over the fact that he wouldn’t be heading to Sundance this year he whipped up the Festmob project to collect updates from folks who will be at the front lines of the buzz, parties, and gossip.

Import from LiveJournal. If you are a LJ afficionado then you’ve already done some work choosing who are your friends. That’s why we built a simple LiveJournal friend importer using a technical vocabulary LJ supports called FOAF. Try out the new invite feature if you get a chance. We’ll be making it smarter.