Twitter gave the best seat to Amazon India Fashion Week Spring-Summer 2017

Wednesday, 26 October 2016

With each passing fashion season, Twitter is bringing fashion enthusiasts closer to the chatter — on the runway and off it. The official hashtag for Amazon India Fashion Week that concluded last week, #AIFWSS17, echoed the vibe of the event and took people on a minute-by-minute journey of five seriously hot days of fashion, without skipping a beat.

This season of #AIFWSS17 grew by nearly 40% in terms of Tweet volume in comparison to the last season, with more than 80,000 Tweets recorded for the 5-day event.

The official Twitter accounts of Amazon India Fashion Week, @TheFDCI and @AmazonFashionIN, published more than 700 native-to-Twitter videos during the Fashion Week, bringing people closer to the fashion flock.

At #AIFWSS17, designers, actors and models also gave Twitter users exclusive #OnlyOnTwitter video content streamed directly from an exclusive Twitter pop-up #BlueRoom. Designers Tarun Tahiliani (@tarun_tahiliani), Priya Kataria Puri (@Priyakatariapuri), Rohit Gandhi and Rahul Khanna (@rohitandrahul1) and actor Ileana D’cruz (@Ileana_Official) among other fashionistas came to the Twitter India #BlueRoom to connect with fans on Twitter and chat with aspiring designers, models and actors.

It was a #GIFparty this season!

We love our GIFs and now so does the Fashion fraternity! Some of the best moments of the season have been captured in this looped GIFs. Clearly, the fun never stops!

Here’s a Twitter Moment to see how it all wrapped up.

Link to the Twitter Moment:

Twitter gave the best seat to Amazon India Fashion Week Spring-Summer 2017

Follow @TheFDCI to know what’s happening on the runway right now!