
Twitter can now quantify the impact of Promoted Tweets on sales for FMCG

Monday, 3 July 2017

Twitter can now quantify the impact of Promoted Tweets on sales for FMCG brands in the UK. This helps brands answer one of the key challenges they face in understanding the effectiveness of their digital marketing campaigns.

Partnering with dunnhumby, Twitter will be able to work with marketers to more accurately measure the effectiveness of campaigns across millions of UK households, and specifically whether they drove online or in-store sales where more than 80% of UK retail sales occur.

Using offline sales impact, or OSI, allows brands to optimise their investment for what drives sales, and help them increase the relevance of their marketing to their target audience.

How does it work?

Working with dunnhumby means Twitter can anonymously link Tesco’s active ClubCard holders to people active on Twitter in the UK to see the effect of ad exposure on actual sales. The datasets are anonymously matched. As a result, the data used cannot be attributed to an individual user or household. The methodology involves matching exposed users with a control group who have not been exposed to the advertising, using over 30 metrics.


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It's never been more important to see this level of reporting and it's fantastic that Twitter now offers the ability to measure our sales generated by our campaign.

Ksenia Kassoni,

media manager at Nestle


Ksenia Kassoni, media manager at Nestle, said "Measuring the impact of your digital activity can be challenging. With Offline Sales Impact reports, brand teams can see the effectiveness of their campaign and measure sales generated by activity on specific channels. It's never been more important to see this level of reporting and it's fantastic that Twitter now offers the ability to measure our sales generated by our campaign.”

By using the dunnhumby Sales Impact solution, FMCG brands can identify the key drivers of uplift in a Twitter campaign based on a number of factors such as frequency, targeting or ad type. It also provides insight into what consumer behaviour is driving uplift. For example, customers purchasing a product more frequently, as well as the demographics specific.

Dara Nasr, Managing Director, Twitter UK, said: "This fantastic partnership with dunnhumby allows our advertisers a much greater understanding of the fantastic reach, influence, and of course actions, that result from working with Twitter. Clients are rightly demanding greater clarity around their spend and I'm proud that at Twitter we're leading the industry on a number of fronts."


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