
Always runs first UK First View campaign for #LikeAGirl

Thursday, 17 August 2017

Today we’re spotlighting the #LikeAGirl campaign from Procter & Gamble’s @Always brand that seeks to empower girls to Keep Going at a time in their lives when many suffer a loss of confidence when they hit puberty.

The award-winning campaign has successfully taken the #LikeAGirl phrase, which was once intended as an insult, and made it something positive. Today’s @Always activity takes advantage of three different Twitter video products to get its message across and drive conversation around the hashtag and its core message of: 'Try. Fail. Learn. Keep Going #LikeAGirl.'

Promoted Trend + First View

To make sure the @Always campaign stands out, the brand launched a Promoted Trend combined with a First View campaign. This means that the #LikeAGirl video is the first Promoted Tweet people see in the UK & Ireland.


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Conversational Card

The Twitter Conversational card features an auto response mechanism, which sends people who like the video a ‘thank you’ message and the extended director's cut video.

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Auto Response

The @Always brand is also using Twitter’s auto-response mechanic. This prompts people to ‘like’ the launch Tweet and in return they receive a bespoke response.

@Always chose to incorporate a longer, Director’s Cut of their #LikeAGirl video to those who engaged with the conversational card tweet and share the #LikeAGirl message.

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According to Mathilde Cozon, Femcare Marketing Assistant Brand Manager on Always Pads across UK and Ireland: 'Always is on a mission to stop the drop in confidence that young girls experience, by changing how they perceive setbacks and encouraging them to embrace failure as part of learning and growth. Shocking new data reveals that 64% of young women aged 16-24 lost confidence during puberty with 94% succumbing to the fear of failing,

'For this campaign, Twitter has been a key platform in enabling us to help spread this important message to encourage girls to Keep Going #LikeAGirl on a topical day when A-Level results are released.'

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