Whether your passion is sport, food, music, or something else entirely, Twitter is a great way to connect to the things you love. Next week we are going to bring people closer to some of those passions by taking them on a unique interactive journey at a secret pop-up location.
#TwitterLive will put guests at the heart of an inspiring experience that celebrates passions on Twitter. Guests will get the chance to see some wonderful Twitter works of art and get creative with GIFs, Vines, and Periscopes.
We’ve worked with some talented designers, artists, and creative masterminds over the last few months to bring #TwitterLive to life, including interactive technology group Engage Works (@Engage_LDN). It has created an immersive experience that lets you step into a conversation on Twitter. And this is just the tip of the iceberg, guests will also get to explore some great Twitter stories and even meet special Tweeting creatures.
Of course it is not all about what is happening in the venue, we are going to be sharing lots of great content with the world. We’ll be Periscoping throughout the week. You will be able to tune in and watch the likes of BMX star Kriss Kyle (@krisscrab) GoProing through London on Tuesday night, and watch one of the hottest music acts of the moment Snakehips (@snakehipsuk) play live on Thursday.
We’ll also be working with Niche creators Yasmine Wilde, Lauren O’Farrell, Ben Charman, Molehill, Ollie MN, Tom Harlock, and Cory Poppins who will be sharing Vines from the venue, so don’t miss out.
#TwitterLive is about bringing to life the passions that play out daily on our platform and highlighting the huge opportunities on Twitter for publishers and brands, whatever their business or marketing objectives might be.
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