Ten stats: How Twitter can help drive sales this Christmas

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

The run-up-to #BlackFriday, #CyberMonday, and Christmas is a crucial time for retailers on Twitter as consumers get ready to begin their gift shopping. The majority of UK Twitter users start that process well before December and look to Twitter for help and inspiration.

That means there is an opportunity for all retailers, from big brands to SMEs, and these 10 data-driven tips are designed to help drive those sales.

More than two-thirds (68%) of UK Twitter users are likely to purchase from a business they follow on Twitter, according to our research conducted by Millward Brown for Twitter. Furthermore, 66% of UK Twitter users have seen something on Twitter that prompted them to make a Christmas purchase — and when they do, almost half Tweet about it.

Consumers want help from brands

In separate research, from our @Birdsignals UK user community, we also found that consumers are increasingly looking to brands on Twitter for help. We found that 75% of users want more from brands on Twitter at Christmas and they are looking for help in a number of areas.

75% of users want more from brands on Twitter at Christmas.

@Birdsignals UK user community, 2015

Chief among these (45%) is great ideas — and not only for gifts. Consumers want suggestions across the whole Christmas experience. This includes recipes and ideas for fun seasonal decorations. They also want to know that brands will be there to answer customer service enquiries to help quickly solve any issues.

That means there is an opportunity to connect with customers on Twitter. Just make sure you make your Tweets stand out from the crowd by using great images, GIFs, and video to get noticed.

Ten stats: How Twitter can help drive sales this Christmas