With summer almost done, the Rugby World Cup is fast approaching. The tournament features heavily in this month’s creative roundup of Twitter campaigns, where we’ll share work from brands in the retail, automotive, FMCG, mobile, alcohol, and travel sectors.
With just about two weeks until the start of #RWC2015, excitement is building on Twitter, where teams are announcing their lineups and sharing their preparations. And, over the last month, many brands have been actively working to also capture the attention of rugby fans.
- @Heineken_UK
For a chance to win VIP tickets, the drinks brand and tournament sponsor Heineken UK has been asking people to find a coin from 1991 (the last time England hosted the Rugby World Cup) and post an image of it on Twitter. @Heineken_UK also backed the competition with a Promoted Trend.
- @LandRover_UK
Another sponsor, @LandRover_UK, has been championing local rugby clubs as part of its #RWC2015 campaign by asking clubs around the country to share their stories using the hashtag #WeDealInReal for the chance to win tickets. And Land Rover has also been surprising clubs with visits from its ambassadors.
- @MasterCardUK
There are #RWC2015 goodies to be won from @MasterCardUK, which has been running a #PricelessLondon campaign featuring these London-themed graphics and offering the chance to win match tickets.
- @SamsungMobile
Away from sport, we’ve seen some cool uses of GIFs from @SamsungMobile. On first view they look like any normal GIF; however, if you hover your cursor over the image and move it back and forth you get something special.
- @beatsbydreUK
The #StraightOutta campaign from @beatsbydreUK has been one of the standout campaigns in August: a beautifully simple and seamless piece of marketing that brought the movie and Beats brand together.
- @Bet365 and #ShoutTheLoudest
Leading up to the start of Premier League earlier this month, @Bet365 launched its #ShoutTheLoudest campaign. Supported by a Promoted Trend, the bookmaker was looking to find out, via a vote, the Premier League club with the noisiest fans. It made good use of magic image Tweets and gifs.

- @Asda
In time for #NationalBurgerDay last week, @Asda offered tasty servings such as this as part of its Promoted Trend (#BurgerDay). As well as making culinary suggestions, the company tackled important questions like: ketchup or BBQ sauce.
- @Honda_UK
In its latest big-budget TV ad @Honda_UK (‘Ignition’) has been paying tribute to space flight. Using the hashtag #DareToDo, it backed the campaign on Twitter with a series of teasers. The ad, featuring F1 driver @JensonButton, was also shared by the McLaren Honda team (@McLarenF1):
- @DirectLine_UK
Here’s a neat idea from @DirectLine_UK using the hashtag #directfix. The insurance brand let “fixer” street teams loose on the streets of London to listen in on Twitter for people having issues, and thereby saving people from everything from canteen food to burger cravings, and winning social media praise in the process.
- @bookingyeah
And finally, a look back to summer for this campaign from @bookingyeah. Using the hashtag #wingityeah, the holiday booking site has been offering people the chance to have their best holiday snaps immortalised in the form of awesome GIFs.