Today is the eleventh annual Safer Internet Day, with the theme ‘Let’s create a better Internet together’.
Coordinated in the UK by the UK Safer Internet Centre (@UK_SIC), the day is recognised globally in more than one hundred countries. We are delighted to be taking part in the initiative, which provides a platform to celebrate digital creativity and to encourage safe and responsible use of technology.
Throughout the year, we work closely with organisations like the UK Safer Internet Centre (@UK_SIC) and others to promote digital citizenship and better educate users about keeping safe online. As a company we are also investing in technology to create tools that protect users and make it easier to report abuse online.
Over the last year we have developed valuable partnerships with experts from fields such as suicide prevention and anti-bullying. Organisations including the UK Safer Internet Centre (UK_SIC), Anti-Bullying Pro (@AntiBullyingPro), Childline, IWF (@IWFhotline) and The Cybersmile Foundation (@CybersmileHQ) provide us with invaluable feedback and help us build our platform with safety at its core.
We are also supporting Safer Internet Day by providing pro bono Twitter advertising to selected charities and non-profit organisations. This will helps organisers of Safer Internet Day to reach new audiences by using Twitter’s promoted products.
People and organisations participating in the day are tweeting with the hashtag #SID2014. Here’s a selection:
5 top tips to stay safe online for Safer Internet Day #SID2014
— Girlguiding ( @Girlguiding) February 7, 2014
Today is Safer Internet Day 2014 - get involved with #SID2014 and RT if you support creating a better internet
— UK Safer Internet ( @UK_SIC) February 11, 2014
It’s Safer Internet Day - we’ve got advice on keeping children safe online here: #SID2014
— NHS Choices ( @NHSChoices) February 11, 2014
Today is Safer Internet Day – let’s create a better internet together #SID2014
— CybersmileFoundation ( @CybersmileHQ) February 11, 2014
To find out more, visit our Help Centre for safety tips. You can also watch experts discuss how to remain safe on Twitter during today’s Safer Internet Day TV program, which features our own Patricia Cartes (@SpaceKadet):
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