
Monday, 23 September 2013

Starting at university for the first time can be a daunting prospect, so this week, the National Union of Students (@NUSUK) is using Twitter to provide new students with information and advice to help them navigate the first few weeks of term.

The NUS (@NUSUK) will be hosting a series of Q&As on Twitter this week using the hashtag #FreshersSurvival

They will provide hints and tips about how best to survive the first few weeks of term, as well as answering questions from students.

The sessions will explain to students how they can use Twitter to keep academically connected, creating knowledge networks between lecturers, students and other universities.

They will also cover areas relevant to students about to embark on their university journeys, including: starting university life, study & coursework, career, personal finance and sex & relationships.

The Q&A schedule is as follows:

  • Monday 23rd Sept: 1pm - 2pm
    Starting university
  • Tuesday 24th Sept: 1pm - 2pm
  • Wednesday 25th Sept: 1pm - 2pm
    Study & coursework
  • Thursday 26th Sept: 10:30am - 11:30am
    Student finances (co-host: Martin Lewis - @MartinSLewis)
  • Friday 27th Sept: 12pm - 1pm
    Social life, sex & relationships (co-host: Tracey Cox - @TraceyCox)

Each Q&A will be hosted by an expert from the NUS in the respective area, as well as contributing experts.

Martin Lewis, founder of MoneySavingExpert.com, will be myth-busting student loans, fees, grants and sharing tips on how to survive on a student budget in Thursday’s session from 10.30-11.30am.

Relationship expert Tracey Cox will be on hand to give advice to give students invaluable advice to help them survive and thrive at university from 12-1pm on Friday.

Acknowledging the benefits Twitter has to offer both new and graduating university students, NUS President, Toni Pearce (@toni_pearce) said: “We’ve done research that shows students use social media as their number one source of news.

“Twitter has revolutionised how we can communicate and access information. For me it’s an excellent way to stay in touch with the seven million students NUS represents.

“For us as an organisation we’ve used it to champion students - like through our equal marriage campaign last year when it was instrumental in gathering 4,000 Christmas cards in ten days, that urged David Cameron to ‘come out’ for equal marriage.”

Students and others can follow the conversation on Twitter and ask questions using the hashtag #FreshersSurvival.