Follow the #G8 on Twitter

Friday, 14 June 2013

This year, the UK takes the reigns of the G8 Presidency and on Monday (June 17) the G8 Summit will take place at the Lough Erne Resort (@LoughErneResort) in Northern Ireland.

The leaders from each of the G8 countries will meet to discuss issues, with a key focus on three key topics - advancing #trade, ensuring #tax compliance, and promoting greater #transparency. You can follow these hashtags alongside #G8UK and #G8 to keep up to speed with the event.

The Summit also has it’s own account (@G8), providing real-time updates throughout the two-day event.

We’re hoping to see some great uses of Vine (@Vineapp) too, as onlookers record the day in six-second bursts. Here’s one already posted by the the US Embassy (@USAinUK):

All of the G8 countries have a presence on Twitter. Here’s a short guide to who to follow to keep abreast of the action:

Number 10 - @Number10gov
David Cameron - @David_Cameron

Stephen Harper (English) - @pmharper
Stephen Harper (French) - @premierministre

Élysée Palace - @Elysee
François Hollande - @fhollande

Steffen Seibert - @RegSprecher

Palazzo Chigi - @Palazzo_Chigi
Enrico Letta - @EnricoLetta

Prime Minister’s Official Residence - @kantei

Kremlin (English) - @KremlinRussia_E
Kremlin (Russian) - @KremlinRussia
Dmitry Medvedev (English) - @MedvedevRussiaE
Dmitry Medvedev (Russian) - @MedvedevRussia

White House - @whitehouse
Barack Obama - @BarackObama

A Twitter List of all these accounts can be found here.

According to Twiplomacy (@Twiplomacy), two thirds of all world leaders are on Twitter. You can follow their curated list here.