#LoveHappens on Twitter

Monday, 13 February 2017

Twitter shows what’s happening in the world. And often #LoveHappens on Twitter. In the last year, people Tweeted the word “love” more than 2.5 billion times globally. That’s a lot of love.

#LoveHappens on Twitter

When you want to share love on Twitter, you have endless hashtags and emojis to choose from. This Valentine’s Day, we took a look at the Tweet that has attracted the most ❤️s on Twitter so far this year.

And the most Tweeted ‘love’ hashtags:

#LoveHappens on Twitter

Sometimes a picture tells a thousand words - and thankfully when it comes to love there are many emojis to choose from. These were the most-Tweeted love emojis in Australia in 2016:

#LoveHappens on Twitter

And these were the most popular love-themed emojis on Twitter in 2016:

#LoveHappens on Twitter

This Valentine’s Day, we celebrate #Love on Twitter and the millions of ways people use the platform to express love and connect with others. Twitter is the place to see love unfolding around the world, to show love as things happen, share love in the face of adversity, to find love and share love for the people who make a difference in our lives.

In November 2016, when dad @GrumpyCarer needed to find a discontinued @tommeetippee_UK cup for his autistic son, he turned to Twitter for help. The response was heartwarming.

Downunder, we saw a similar outpour when Domenic Pace, a young boy with cystic fibrosis, became a superhero for a day, with a helping hand from the Make-A-Wish foundation and the NSW Police. People all over the country joined together to follow #ironboyAU and cheer Domenic on. He even has a special message from Iron Man himself.

Love can be seen in a community coming together. In 2016, Australians united on Twitter to challenge challenge stereotypes of neglectful indigenous fathers. Using #IndigenousDads, we shared portraits of diverse fatherhood and parental love in modern Australia.


Australians sent messages of love and unity in response to the current refugee crisis, taking to Twitter to say #Letthemstay. This isn’t the first time we’ve used Twitter to come together in turbulent times. The Australian movement #illridewithyou made it around the globe as thousands Tweeted love for every member of their community and rejected racial division.


Love doesn’t look one way. It’s everywhere around us. Join the celebration of love around the world this Valentine’s Day with #LoveHappens to unlock a special emoji.