Guest post: #yourratesatwork, get a behind-the-scenes look at your local council

Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Councils across Australia will be taking to Twitter on Wednesday 3 August for a Local Government Twitter Day to increase awareness of the important work that local government does and showcase the diverse range of services councils offer.

Councils will be getting behind the campaign and tweeting using #yourratesatwork to give ratepayers a first-hand look at the activities and business of their local council, which go beyond the presumed ‘roads, rates and rubbish’. Local government delivers more than 150 services across 536 councils every day of the year, giving them a unique perspective in identifying and servicing community needs.

Local Government Twitter Day is your opportunity to see your local council’s work in action in your community. Here is a list of local government associations to follow on Twitter:

  • @ALGAComms (Australian Local Government Association)
  • @LGAQ (Local Government Association QLD)
  • @lgnsw (Local Government NSW)
  • @WALGA (West Australian Local Government Association)
  • @Viccouncils (Municipal Association of Victoria)
  • @LGAofSA (Local Government Association of South Australia)
  • @LGANTMedia (Local Government Association of Northern Territory)
  • @LGATasmania (Local Government Association of Tasmania)

Make sure you are following your local council or state-based local government association on Twitter and join the #yourratesatwork conversation on 3 August!

Guest post: #yourratesatwork, get a behind-the-scenes look at your local council

A history of local government in Australia

The first local council was established in 1840 with responsibility for managing issues that were important at the local community level such as essential infrastructure and municipal services. More than 175 years later, local government has evolved to become a well-developed national network of 536 councils Australia-wide providing a range of more than 150 essential services to communities, employing 190,000 people and managing more than $350 billion in assets, including local roads infrastructure valued at $165 billion.

  • The services delivered by many councils cross all areas and include:
  • Building standards, including inspection, licensing, certification and enforcement
  • Stormwater and drainage systems and, in some states, sewerage wastewater treatment facilities and water supply
  • Climate change adaptation and mitigation measures to reduce greenhouse emissions (in collaboration with state and federal governments)
  • Emergency management to help communities prepare for and recover from natural disasters
  • Local environment conservation initiatives, energy and water saving programs
  • Cultural facilities such as libraries, art galleries, performing arts centres and museums
  • Parks and sporting facilities, including swimming pools, golf clubs, sports fields and courts
  • Social welfare services such as childcare services, aged care services and accommodation, health care, welfare services, meals on wheels and counselling.

For more information visit, follow @ALGAComms or #yourratesatwork.