Happy New Year, Australia!
Millions of you last night tweeted the end of 2013 and the start of 2014 with positive messages to families, friends and people who share the same interests. As a platform for public, real-time conversations, we’re constantly amazed by the thoughts, hopes and dreams that Australians share with each other and the world on Twitter.
Below is a custom timeline of tweets from Australian politicians, celebrities, athletes, musicians with their New Year wishes for 2014.
We would also like to thank you for all of your support over the past year. Our New Year’s promise to you is to make Twitter even more useful in your daily lives to discover what’s happening around you, connect with others you know or would like to know, and express yourself, your interests and your life.
2014 is a new year, filled with promise & opportunity, so from our team to all of you we wish you a fantastic year ahead!
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