Whether celebrating a new high score, sharing action replays, or finding friends to challenge, Twitter is a fun complement to gaming. Today we're bringing our updated Twitter Kit SDK for iOS and Android to the Unity platform; making your games social is as easy as ever. Twitter Kit for Unity is available now for free in the Unity Asset Store, and is Open Source.
In May we announced Twitter Kit 3 as a standalone SDK. This update brings a brand new composer and updated social login features. It makes it easy for your users to log in and compose Tweets from right inside your games, and for you to access the Twitter API for login and social integrations.
On iOS, Twitter Kit 3 provides replacement functionality for the Social Framework API. Upgrade to the new Twitter Kit for Unity to keep players Tweeting on iOS 11 and beyond.
The Twitter Kit for Unity source code is also available. You can build the package by following the instructions in our GitHub repository.
Check it out, level up your Unity games with Twitter, and if you have any questions please join us in our developer forum.
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